Interactive Derivations

The systems in this section are designed and developed in collaboration with the Learning Sciences Research group, HBCSE.

Deriving the oscillatory motion of a string

Wave Equation

Github Live Demo
(For now, this system is only compatible with a Laptop/PC)

Deriving the Barometric equation of the atmosphere

Barometeric Formula

Github Live Demo
(For now, this system is only compatible with a Laptop/PC)

Deriving the one dimesional Heat Equation

Heat Equation

Github Live Demo
(For now, this system is only compatible with a Laptop/PC)

Deriving the equation of Pendulum in viscous medium

Equation of Motion of Pendulum in a Viscous Medium

Github Live Demo
(For now, this system is only compatible with a Laptop/PC)

Deriving the Bernoullie Equation of streamline flow

Bernoulli's Equation

Github Live Demo
(For now, this system is only compatible with a Laptop/PC)

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